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Die erste unverbindliche Beratung zu einem Projekt mit einer Einschätzung, wie viel Energie deine Fassade in einem Jahr erzeugen kann.

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Ein Süßwarenladen voller Farben und Möglichkeiten für die Fassade.

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Grüne Fassade: So schön sah Nachhaltigkeit noch nie aus.

Groene gevel | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix

(Dieser Newsartikel ist nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar)

We are working on creating a sustainable and livable environment. Green facades must do much more than just generate energy; they must also add aesthetics.

Adding a green facade yields much more energy

Sustainability in urban environments is a quest for all involved parties. In densely built urban areas, rooftops do not provide enough space to make a significant contribution to the necessary energy transition. Thinking in terms of a green facade opens up new possibilities. The facade becomes an energy generator, contributing to making the building energy-neutral.

Contributing to a livable city

The appearance of buildings plays a crucial role in how we experience the urban environment. Studio Solarix's green facade was developed with the philosophy of making the city more livable. Creating a pleasant environment with an emphasis on beauty is at the core of what we call Solar Design.

Green facade inspires people to act sustainably

By creating a green facade, we aim to do more than just provide energy in a beautiful way. Solarix's facade panels offer an excellent opportunity to connect with the surroundings. LED lighting can respond to the environment and make people aware of the energy the building generates in a pleasant manner. It's a beautiful way to inspire people.

Renier Bosch | Co-founder en Creative Director | Solarix

About Reinier Bosch

This item was created with input from Renier Bosch. As co-founder and Creative Director at Solarix, Renier is an internationally acclaimed artist/designer. He combines aesthetics and sustainability, connecting artists, municipalities, and developers for innovative energy transitions.
Read more about Reinier and our team