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Grüne Mission, grüner Daumen

Team building moestuin | Solar design zonnepanelen | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix

(Dieser Newsartikel ist nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar)

It's spring! Are your fingers starting to itch? Ours are! On March 24th, the kick-off for De Tropentuin took place in the Museum Garden at the Tropeninstituut, where we now grow our vegetables and utilize the communal herb garden. Studio Solarix not only has a green mission but also green fingers!

Initiated by De Gezonde Stad (The Healthy City), a neighborhood vegetable garden has been established behind the Tropenmuseum since 2018, featuring a pick-your-own herb garden, a greenhouse, a worm hotel, and twenty vegetable garden beds. De Tropentuin is beautifully situated between KIT and Oosterpark and is part of the Museumtuin, designed by DS Landscape Architects.

Team building groene vingers | Solar design zonnepanelen | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix

At De Tropentuin, various collaborative sessions and fun activities are organized. On March 24th, the opening of the vegetable garden season took place. In collaboration with Nancy Wiltink from Moestuin School Amsterdam, there was a starter kit available for creating your own Tropenbak. Rowin from Compostier provided explanations about the worm hotel, and the herb picking garden was made possible in part by Abbing Buitenhof. It's a great collaboration between local residents, businesses, and sustainable initiatives, and Studio Solarix is thrilled to be part of it.

The planting season has commenced, and we have our own Tropenbak, eagerly anticipating Solarix lunches this summer with our own vegetables. Here's to a beautiful green future!

Interested in learning more about the Tropentuin and participating? Visit De Gezonde Stad's website for more information: https://degezondestad.org/projecten/22/de-tropentuin

Team building groene vingers | Solar design zonnepanelen | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix