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Sehen Sie sich das Making of an: die 1500 m2 große Solarfassade von De Kikker

(Dieser Newsartikel ist nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar)

Primary school De Kikker, originally designed by Liesbeth van der Pol of Dok Architects, undergoes a complete metamorphosis in the summer of 2024. The old bright-green plating, which needed to be replaced, is being replaced by colourful, custom solar panels from Solarix. This renovation is an initiative of the Municipality of Amsterdam, which approached Dok Architects and Solarix to develop a new suitable colouring and custom panels.

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Elias Wijnmalen | Solarix

About Elias Wijnmalen

This project update was created with input from Elias Wijnmalen. Elias has a keen eye for detail and captures the beauty and innovation of Solarix façades on video. His work showcases both the process and the final result of our projects.
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