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Die Teams für die Design-Herausforderung „Unsere Energie, unsere Landschaft“ wurden bekannt gegeben!

Solar Design schetsen Zonnepanelen | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix

(Dieser Newsartikel ist nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar)

Studio Solarix has been selected by a professional jury to be part of the design challenge 'Our Energy, Our Landscape.' This initiative, driven by Staatsbosbeheer, Nationaal Landschap Het Groene Woud, and Kunstloc Brabant, seeks intelligent, sustainable, and multifunctional solutions derived from renewable energy sources. And we're up for the challenge!

Collaborating with a diverse team, Renier Bosch aims to address the question, 'How can we create a sound-blocking design that integrates energy generation with the surrounding nature and stimulates imagination?' Specifically, this pertains to the highway landscape of the A67 near the Strabrechtse Heide.

The team comprises representatives from various entities, such as VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism, DS Landscape Architects, and, of course, Studio Solarix. This collective views infrastructure as a significant component of the landscape: "they form a barrier, yet can also be interpreted as a new habitat fostering continuous interaction."

At the core of this design challenge lies the concept of integrative design, merging spatial quality, energy generation, and nature enhancement. We are eager to embark on this venture in collaboration with our partners!

The outcomes will be showcased on April 16 during the Landscape Laboratory 'Our Energy, Our Landscape' at the Landschapstriënnale21.

Butterfly effect | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix
Eefiene Winnubst-Bolhuis | Lead designer en Marketing manager | Solarix

About Eefiene Winnubst-Bolhuis

This message was created with input from Eefiene Winnubst-Bolhuis. As Lead Designer and Marketing Manager at Solarix, she brings over 15 years of experience in product and material design. She develops colour collections and leads the creative direction of Solarix’s brand identity and communications.
Read more about Eefiene and our team