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Wie überwinden wir die Barrieren auf dem Weg zu einer zirkulären Bauwirtschaft?

Circulair at scale | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix

(Dieser Newsartikel ist nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar)

Marloes van Heteren spoke on behalf of Studio Solarix on Monday, February 1st, at the digital event of the National Conference on the Circular Economy organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, alongside speakers such as Mark Rutte and Ingrid Van Engelshoven.

As one of the successful scale-ups from the Circular@Scale program, we shared our successes and challenges in making the circular economy the new norm. Join in and listen to Marloes as she shares her story about how the awareness of climate change and challenges with energy generation through roofs led to the establishment of Studio Solarix.

Marloes explains how she, together with her business partner Reinier Bosch, discovered a 'gap in the market,' or as she puts it, a 'lack on the wall,' when they realized that all facades could be potential energy sources, yet there was nothing available for that purpose. No one desires solar panels that are plain black and in one standard size; they are unattractive to project developers and architects. To accelerate the energy transition, they aimed to develop solar panels that look beautiful, with optimal color experiences and energy yields. Circular principles were central throughout the entire process.

Successfully, Studio Solarix developed Solar Design facades that have made an impact in terms of sustainability and circularity. The prototype had already won a Dutch Design Award, and today, Studio Solarix's Solar Design facades can be found in innovative projects like Pharos by Cairns Real Estate, and more.

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