How it works
Request a SolarCheck

The first non-binding advice on a project with an estimate of how much energy your facade can generate in a year.

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A candy store of colours and possibilities for the facade

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With what can we help you?

Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions on various topics relating to our products, installation of our panels and maintenance. We have clearly listed the topics for you in a number of main categories. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Architects and developers

We are happy to provide a lunch lecture on location for your team. We will show indepth insight into the possibilities and applications of Solarix solar facades. If you are interested, please contact us or give us a call at +31(0)20-2440641

Yes, digital textures from the Solarix collection can be requested via our contact page.

To provide you insight into the application possibilites of our solar-facadepanels, we would like to invite you for an intake so we can discuss your project(s). We are happy to have you in our showroom in Weesp near Amsterdam, or we schedule an online appointment. When applicable, we can make a SolarCheck for the project that will give you insight into the potential energy generation of the facades and the business case.

The next step is a SolarScan. This is paid preliminary engineering in which we investigate in detail how our panels should be integrated into the facade. This includes detailing, panel layouts, research into optimalisation options, extensive insolation study incl. shadowing, and a proposal for the mounting system.

Please contact our accountmanagers or call +31(0)20-2440641 to schedule an intake.

The energy generated by a solar facade depends on various variables such as orientation, tilt/inclination angle, power of the desired solar panel, location of the building (shadowing, country), structure of the facade (depth) and the total façade-area suitable for our solar facade panels. On average, our coloured solar panels generate 115 kWh per year on a south-facing facade system.

Please contact our account managers for discussing the possibilities for SolarCheck or give us a call at +31(0)20-2440641.

Yes, we have a number of tools to help you presenting our solar façade panels:

1) Samples for aesthetic evaluation. You can request samples here.

2) Catalogue of our products. You can find the download here.

3) Need more technical info? Take a look at the download page for manuals and datasheets.

Didn't find what you need? Please contact us or call us at +31(0)20-2440641.

Yes, a Solarix facade can be applied in both new buildings and renovation projects. For both types of projects, a Solarix facade can result in favourable business models. A Solarix solar facade replaces the "normal" skin of the facade with a facade that generates energy. As a result, the facade pays itself back! This is not only advantageous for new buildings, but also for renovation. When already involved in renovating a facade, transitioning to an energy-generating one is straightforward, especially when contrasted with a brick facade that generates nothing. We are happy to go through the business case for your project together. Please contact our account managers here or call 020-2440641.

A Solarix solar facade is a ventilated system and can be integrated into almost all facades. In most cases, this is possible with the Solarix mounting system, such as for a facade builder of timber frame construction or steel, sandwich panels, concrete and brick. The solar facade panels can also be incorporated into curtain walls, for example, in that case without the Solarix mounting system. However, these types of applications require the necessary engineering and development.

Colours and designs

We have standard designs from our collection (dot, line, mono, effect, blend, line-high efficiency, white and black). These are available in different versions. Click here for our collection and click here for our catalogue. Do the aesthetic wishes for your project not match with our extensive collection of designs? Don't worry! With a custom design trajectory, we develop an aesthetically pleasing Solarix solar facade panel that perfectly matches your project. This is a paid trajectory. Please contact our account managers for the possibilities.

Dimensions: Standard and custom

Solarix custom solar panels are available in various sizes. The efficiency of a panel depends on the dimensions of the panel relative to the actual cell distribution. Solarix can advise on more efficient dimensions and possible optimisations in panel sizes in the facade for your project. Read more about our standard and custom sizes here.

Our standard sizes are:

590 x 1190 mm

590 x 1790 mm

890 x 890 mm

890 x 1790 mm

In addition to our standard sizes, we can provide custom sizing at an additional cost. Minimum dimension is 150 x 250 mm and maximum 4200 x 2300 mm. However, we recommend keeping the dimensions under 2 m2 due to weight, additional surcharge and higher transport and installation costs for larger sizes.

Distributors and Suppliers

This depends on your product range, company size, network and location. We currently only start collaborations within the Netherlands and certain countries in Europe. If you are interested, our accountmanagers are happy to get in touch with you.

This depends on your product range, company size, network and location. We currently only start collaborations within the Netherlands and certain countries in Europe. If you are interested, our accountmanagers are happy to get in touch with you.

Energy performance and regulations


The power output of Solarix solar facade panels is between 110 and 190 Wp per m2, varying with colour. For example; our white panels have a power of 110 Wp per m2 and black 190 Wp per m2. See the collection page on our website for an overview of colours and associated powers.

For the BENG (NZEB) application, data on the power per m2 (Wp/m2) and the total installed capacity (kWp) are necessary. This depends on the type of panel, the colour and surface-area. If this is known for the project you are working, we can provide this data in concept.


In the Netherlands, companies can make use of various subsidies:

- Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie en Klimaattransitie (SDE++) is a subsidy for large-scale energy generation projects.

- Energie Investeringsaftrek (EIA) is a tax scheme that allows you to create a deduction on your investments in energy-friendly business assets, buildings or production processes.

- Investeringssubsidie duurzame energie en energiebesparing (ISDE) is a subsidy for small-scale solar projects for businesses and private users.

The Dutch government encourages investments in sustainability projects with various financial options. Keep an eye on the RVO website regularly for the most up-to-date regulations.

For international projects we refer to local subsidy advisors.


Yes. A proposal for such a contract can be composed before/during/after delivery of the project. Agreements can be made for monitoring and maintenance plan. Depending on the project, this will be carried out by Solarix or the electrical installer.

The cleaning of Solarix solar facade panels can be included with regular window cleaning. We recommend washing the panels at least once a year. The coating of Solarix solar facade panels is also designed to be self-cleaning, so that dust and dirt are removed within two to three rain showers. The electrical installation will have to be regularly monitored for any deviations.

Sales en Samples

We have no sales representatives outside the Netherlands. All sales are handled by our experienced salespeople from Weesp, in Amsterdam. Are you interested in representing Solarix in your country? Please contact us so we can discuss a potential partnership.

We look forward to welcoming you to our showroom in Weesp. Our entire collection can be viewed there. We have many full-size samples and panels. Appointments can be made at project level. Before the appointment, please indicate which project you are working on and which colours and textures you would like to see. Please contact us to plan a meeting with one of our account managers.

We can also provide you with beautiful small samples for projects. You can request a sample here. We are always happy to receive samples back if they are no longer needed. We refer to our account managers about our return policy.

Step 1)
If you are interested, we would like to get in touch with you immediately. We will call or email you to discuss your wishes. You will immediately receive our catalog and the necessary information from us to give you an impression of Solarix and our products.

Step 2) Through an intake we will tell you more about our product, discuss the first details of the project and provide an initial estimate for the application of a Solarix facade for the project. Optionally, we carry out a Solar Check (minimum 500 m2 project) where we give you more insight into the generation options and business case of the facades you designate. If you are not entirely sure which facade parts are suitable for PV, we are happy to give you advice.

Step 3)

The customer gives provisional GO to further develop the project.

Step 4)

Through a signed preliminary assignment (our SolarScan), we, together with the project team or otherwise, look at the project at a detailed level, we investigate optimization options, we carry out an extensive insolation study including shadow fall, and we make a proposal for the mounting system and electrical diagram. . Optionally, we can go through a custom design process with you to achieve a unique Solarix design that meets the aesthetic wishes of the architect. This is a process in which we have to design, develop and test. We can therefore only carry out the custom design process for an additional fee and it is available for projects with a minimum size of 1000 m2 of PV facade surface.

Step 5)

A permit application is being submitted for the solar facade project.

Step 6) Based on a detailed plan, Solarix makes a quotation for the delivery of the solar facade panels, with or without a mounting system.

Step 7) Solarix solar facade panels (including mounting system) are delivered and the construction of a special energy-generating facade can start! The solar panels including mounting system are mounted and installed by partners or third parties. If desired, we at Solarix are involved as a project supervisor.

We mainly deliver our products in the Netherlands. But we are also working on various international projects, especially in Europe.

We currently have the following minimum order quantity for our solar façade panels:
Within the Netherlands, our minimum order quantity is 100 m2.
Internationally, our minimum order quantity is 500 m2.

Panel prices vary per project and depend on the sizing and quantity of your order. Our panels are produced per project with attention to quality and aesthetics. Together with the customer, we look for the best solution for each project and we can translate this into price indications. Please contact our account managers or call +31(0)20-2440641 for an up-to-date price indication.

The payback time of a Solarix solar facade can be achieved from just 5 years. This, of course, depends on the type of project, the orientation, and location, the electricity costs, alternative facade material that is replaced with a solar facade, and other wishes.

Our account managers are happy to discuss your project with you to determine the business case. Please contact us here or call +31(0)20-2440641. Request here a SolarCheck directly.

Our SolarCheck is a first free-of-charge check on your building. Based on satellite data and technical drawings we can provide a good estimate of how much energy your facade generates yearly. We make an analysis on how the sun moves in relation to the building, what the possible surface area of ​​panels on the façade is, and how much CO2 emissions are saved by generating green energy! We also show in outline what the investment and revenue will be.

We usually carry out SolarChecks for projects with a minimum solar façade surface area of 500 m2. You can request a SolarCheck here.

With a Solarix sample, you can aesthetically assess a desired Solarix solar façade panel design. It is a single glass plate of 4mm thick and with a size of 200x300 mm. The sample therefore does not contain a solar cell, junction box and rear glass plate as is the case with a Solarix solar façade panel. Aesthetically, however, the sample looks exactly like a full Solarix panel. You can request a sample here. Our account managers will contact you regarding availability.

Do you want a sample in a different format? We can supply custom samples for a fee. The delivery time is currently 7 to 9 weeks.

The delivery time for our solar façade panels is currently 18 to 20 weeks, after which they are ready to be assembled and installed on the construction site. Please contact our account managers for up-to-date information.


1 m² of Solarix solar facade prevents 3000 kg of CO₂ in its lifespan! That is comparable to the CO₂ absorption of no less than 3 growing trees!

The production of 1 m² of a Solarix system costs approximately 310 kg of CO₂, including production of the mountingsystem and transportation emissions.

Thus, 1 m² of Solarix solar facade will save 2690 kg of CO₂. Quite sustainable!

Circularity is an important point of attention for us. Our panels have an aesthetic lifespan of more than 50 years, but the solar panel market is not yet ready to efficiently separate solar cells from glass. This is a 'challenge' of the entire solar panel industry. The industry is working hard to get to an economical and sustainable solution, but meanwhile there are all kinds of developments in the field of reusing or upgrading solar panels, which we follow closely. The advantage of our system is that the panels also function as the outer skin of a building. This makes it possible to use the panels as an aesthetic façade panel in other projects after the effective lifespan of the cells (they still generate 85% of the original efficiency after 25 years!). Alternatively, the investor can simply decide to leave the panels hanging as they can generate energy for a long time to come and act as the appearance of the building.
In addition, our own mounting system for the panels consists of 95% recycled aluminium.

Technical information, certification and warranty

It is advised to mount horizontal strips. Work from the bottom up. However, this is not necessary. Our panels can also be mounted in an alternative order. Tough, it is important that the panels are connected by a certified electrical installer. For more details, you can find our assembly manual here.

We provide guaranteed high quality and durable solar facade panels. Therefore, we offer the following warranties:

10 years warranty on colour retention
20 years warranty for materials and processing  
25 years warranty extra linear power output

Linear power degradation warranty
First year <2%, <0.55% per year over years 2-25
85% guaranteed power after 25 years

Our solar facade panels weigh 23.5 kg per m2, including mounting system.

This depends on the project, the different types of panels and dimensions, and other wishes. Our panels can be connected to normal inverters, as well as micro-inverters and optimizers. Solarix can make a proposal for the electrical diagram and therefore which inverters are most suitable in the situation. We can do this as part of the pre-engineering, but in many cases, the electrical diagram is determined by the electrical installer (third party).

For the mounting system, you should assume 60 mm between the facade and the panel. Total dimensions, including facade solar panel, are 69 mm.

Solarix solar façade panels have fire protection level B-s1,d0 according to EN ISO 11925-2 and EN 13823.


Yes, definitely!

We are always looking for people who want to contribute to a sustainable world with a healthy dose of energy, entrepreneurship and professionalism. Join us if you:

- Breathe energy, not only in kilowatt hours but also in enthusiasm!

- Have a drive to make the world around us a little more beautiful and sustainable

- Love a Scale-up environment where flexibility and working hard is key, but where there is also room for a game of ping pong

Check out our open positions here.