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The impact of the BENG measures

De impact van de BENG maatregelen | Nieuwsbericht | Solarix

What do the new BENG measures mean for buildings and cities? Starting from January 1, 2021, all permit applications for new construction projects must comply with the requirements of these Nearly Energy Neutral Buildings (BENG).

Nearly Energy Neutral Buildings

Climate change is increasingly prevalent in the news and in the construction and project development industry. Construction is responsible for 39% of all CO2 emissions globally, while operational emissions (from energy used to heat, cool, and light buildings) account for 28%.

With the introduction of the BENG measures, the Netherlands hopes to take a significant step in reducing its impact on climate change.

BENG Solution

The production of sustainable energy is becoming more challenging due to the strong urbanization of our cities. Buildings are getting taller, and the square meters of rooftop space for traditional solar panels are limited to meet local energy demand. Fortunately, with the height of buildings, an attractive option becomes available to comply with renewable energy regulations: facades!

PV facades, compared to roof panels, generate relatively more energy in the winter, autumn, and spring. It's precisely during these seasons that energy production works overtime due to heating usage. PV facades also produce more energy in the early and late hours of the day when the sun is low, and this happens to be when energy is most needed. This means that a PV facade can complement a potential rooftop system.

Why Studio Solarix Solar Panels?

It's clear that integrating solar panels into facades is on the rise as a highly cost-effective option to achieve energy neutrality. However, at Studio Solarix, we don't believe this should result in a less aesthetic appearance for our cities. PV facades should not become synonymous with the so-called dark glass city without identity and beauty. We produce solar panels that work efficiently and look beautiful.

Studio Solarix's modular facade systems can combine active solar panels with non-active panels made of different materials (depending on the design objective). Both panels can be extensively customized with colors, patterns, and LED lighting. This way, we can make future buildings sustainable and inspiring!

If you are still figuring out the impact of the BENG measures or are interested in combining design with renewable facade energy, please don't hesitate to contact us!

What are the BENG measures?

The measures set the condition that from 2020 onwards, every new building in the Netherlands must be designed using a strict three-step strategy:

  • A new building must be well-designed with a highly insulated and airtight building envelope (BENG 1).

  • All remaining primary energy provisions for heating, cooling, lighting, and energy for all daily electrical appliances must be provided efficiently. Achieving this requires efficient electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic provisions (BENG 2).

  • If the building has been made efficient through the above steps, it must become energy-neutral through local production of renewable energy using biomass, wind, and, of course, solar panels (BENG 3).

There are effective means to meet and implement the BENG measures for residential houses, such as applying insulation, using heat pumps instead of gas boilers, installing double or triple-glazed windows, and adding solar panels on the roof or walls.

Marloes van Heteren | Co-founder en CEO | Solarix

About Marloes van Heteren

This message was created with input from Marloes van Heteren. As co-founder and CEO of Solarix, Marloes links technical innovations with sustainability goals. Her architectural background helps realise energy-neutral and aesthetically pleasing cities.
Read more about Marloes and our team