City Theatre Middelburg
The project
Want to make a building more sustainable in a beautiful way? That's possible! On behalf of the Municipality of Middelburg, Solarix has made the city theatre in the historic city more sustainable. With this project, the municipality wants to show that it is also possible to generate sustainable energy in an architecturally valuable building in a historic environment.
During the design process, Solarix took the existing architecture as a starting point. The colours in the brickwork and window frames and the function and appearance of the building were examined. The vertically placed panels therefore decorate both sides of the main entrance of the Theatre, like wings.
"With the panels on the facade of the Schouwburg, we want to show that you can still do something with solar energy in a beautiful way on an architecturally valuable building in a historic environment - the city center of Middelburg.
Annual CO2 reduction of the solar facade of City Theatre Middelburg

Solarix solar facade
The special matte design of the Solarix Line collection has an appearance that matches the existing brickwork and refers to stage curtains. The design solar panel provides a dynamic facade and extra high-energy yield.

The contract for the solar facade was awarded by the Municipality of Middelburg through a tender won by Solarix. Solarix has involved Solar Engineers and Energie Anders as implementing parties for the realization.
Client: Gemeente Middelburg
Project realisation team: Solar Engineers, Energie Anders, Solarix.